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중동 태양광 패널의 밝은 미래 대한민국

20.2024 년 XNUMX 월 XNUMX 일

In the Middle East, the solar panel market shows great promise. The region is rich in solar and wind energy resources. Many countries have strong support policies, like Saudi Arabia's "2030 Vision" and the UAE's "National Energy Strategy 2050". For "top-down" countries, products like solar air conditioners, cameras, and inverters in Saudi Arabia; solar bracket systems, cameras, and inverters in the UAE; solar air conditioners, cameras, and bracket systems in Turkey; and solar lights, storage systems, and emergency power supplies in Oman are in high demand. In "bottom-up" countries like Iraq, Lebanon, and Yemen, solar inverters, storage systems, and pumps are needed. Flexible, foldable, and portable solar panels are also expected to gain popularity due to their convenience and versatility, meeting various energy needs in the Middle East.